On Friday I hosted what I orginally planned on being a "Highlands Ranch Mom's party", but it evolved otherwise from there. Here is an excerpt from the Evite invitation I sent out:
"Hello Ladies! Only the savviest ladies on the ranch have been invited to this exciting party! I have alot of activities in store for us... First we will intently listen to a couple of my best friends try to sell you some fancy kitchen tools, jewelry, food storage devices, sex toys and scrapbooking supplies. If each of you spends only $100, then I will recieve a FREE cookbook!!!! Then we will have a formal debate. The topic is: "gifted children, do you have them?" Then we will have a stilletto relay race, followed by a crocs relay race. Then we will measure everyone's waist line with toilet paper squares. The tiniest waist wins a gift package from Bath and Body Works."
After I wrote the invitation, I invited Sarah H, who lives near downtown Denver now and she invited her BFF, Charity, who lives with her. So the party became a competition of the Highlands Ranch MegaMoms vs. The DownTown Dams. Ofcourse, with the festivities being at my house, us megamom had the home suburb advantage.
Here is team Downtown with Charity on the left, Sarah on the right:
Here is "team Highland's Ranch", Colleen on the left, me in the center, and Kara on the right:
Above you see Sarah working on her craft for the night. When we began our craft suddenly team lines got confused and the teams were reorganized into two different teams- one being the non-religious, democratic, liberals. We will call them the Nonreligicraterals for short. The other team being the not so non-religious, not so democratic, not so liberals. We will call them the Notnonreligicraterals. I was on the later team, and I was on the team alone. So, as you can imagine, I felt a little bit ganged up on. As you will notice the notnonreligicraterals are not referred to as religious or republican or conservative. This is because if I was in a different group of friends, I would have been attacked for being too non-religious and too democratic and too liberal. It's just that I was conservative (and whatnot) RELATIVE to these individuals. And relative to another group of individuals, I am liberal. And no matter which group of people I am hanging with, they seem to be bothered by me being too far one way or the other. I'm not sure if this is a common problem for other people, but it seems to be for me.
Our craft for the night was bracelet decorating. Colleen, my dear neighbor from across the street, made a lovely bracelet that said "McCain is Perv". Originally she wanted it to say "I am another democrat who believes McCain is a pervert", but I think she got tired of cutting out letters, so she shortened it. Here it is (the words wrap around so I had to take two pictures to get the whole thing):
When she left my house (around 1 am), the polyurethane hadn't dried yet, so she had to leave it to finish drying. I decided to improve upon her original design so instead of saying "McCain is perv" it now says "McCain is...
...perfect"!!! Thus, the Notnonreligicraterals victoriously prevailed in the end!!! (note: I don't believe McCain is perfect.... that's just the only word I could transform "perv" into.)
I just dropped the bracelet off at Colleen's house, but she wasn't home. Her husband was there and I left it with him. At first he said, "wow, this bracelet is very flashy!" then he read it and I could see the confusion on his face. I said "umm... yeah, I don't know why she made her bracelet say that". And he said "me neither" and then shut the door.
Maybe next year I will invite the Colorado Spring Chicks.
Oh no, there was the doorbell... I think it is Colleen. I gotta go.
oh my.
see, there are those labels again.
just awful.
but "perfect"?!?! hmmm...
laughing out loud.
can we come next time?
I declare myself a Notnonreligimodidemievangelirepubral!!!
I am sick that I wasn't there - and I am stoked that I read this because I just bought a ton of those braclets at Michaels for 30 cents and now I know what to do with them!!!
You all are invited for next time, but only if you will be on MY team. Maybe we could be the BloggingBitches!
i'm there.
You are funny! I love it!
A few things...
First - you didn't even mention how i came to your team so that you and I could both be the incorrect amount of liberal capitalist vegetarian monarchs - or whatever it was.
Second - Not everyone can be as badass as you are about everything you do. that picture would have been just as blurry if one of the other highlands ranch moms had taken it!
Third - I miss you and love you lots
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