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Friday, September 05, 2008

Free Lovin Hippies

The thing about tiedying is that it never turns out the way you envisioned it- never. Never ever ever. But that is the beauty of it. The final result is a suprise, and it's best if you don't have expectations about it, because you're pretty much guarunteed to be disapointed. Maybe that's why hippies like it so much. I wasn't trying to turn this into an analogy about life... but that would have been a good idea.
First me and a bunch of short crafty craft crafters took the plunge and tiedyed some white T-shirts that I got on sale at Michael's (I'm thrify and crafty... soon I'll be making the kids' shoes too). Then we utilized the great ideas in this book:

I got it from the library and it's already like a whole week overdue. It's got some really awesome ideas in it. I'm tempted to cut every shirt I own into pieces, because this book really does have 108 ways to make your t-shirt way cooler than in used to be, in a matter of minutes. So after some snipping and sewing (yep, I have a sewing machine too), this is what we came up with:

Above, we have Chloe modeling her tiedye creation.

Roxanne makes this outfit work by laying the shirt with a huge dose of attitude.

Rocket wanted to make the same thing out of his shirt too, but I didn't let him. I just don't think he can pull off the halter top look.

I participated in the tiedying fun too by dying my white skirt that I had accidentally stained with paint. Now the blemish is camoflauged.

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