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Friday, January 15, 2010

(Little Miss Religianity)
Ponders in her Room

In December my first "Little Miss Religianity painting sold at a fabulous art show, that I was so excited to be a part of. Since then, I've really missed Miss. Religianity. She was hanging in my living room, and I had grown attatched to her- more so than I realized until she was gone. So, I decided to try to recreate her, in my newest painting of her pondering in her bedroom. To tell you the truth, I don't like her as much as the first one. I won't point out why.
The painting contains a lot of inspiration from Roxanne, who is herself somewhat of a Little Miss Religianity. She helped me out by creating the drawings that are in the background, and I duplicated them into the painting. She also has a vase on her desk, in which I often find random combinations of items- sortof like the meaningless combo of a naked barbie, a straw and pencil. Contrary to how it might appear, the painting doesn't really make a statement about religion. It's just an image of a child, too young to understand doctrine, but still engaging in spirituality. Honestly, it might be more of a metaphoric self portrait of myself more than anyone else.

On another note, my art experience since moving to Denver has been made up of chain connections. I like to trace each connection I've made back to it's original source and then imagine how different everything would be had I not said "hi" to one person, and thus not set off a long chain of other connections. For example, I met Kyle Banister at Dr. Sketchies. Kyle had me in the baseball art show, where I met Eric Matelski, who had me in the 13 Lumens show, where I sold my artwork to Laurie Maves, who later introduced me to Caddy Cadwell, who is about to make my life's biggest dream come true! To be continued.....


Stacy said...

....oooo...I love a good cliffhanger!! can't wait to hear more!

The AB club said...

I can't wait to hear. hurry up!!!