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Sunday, May 25, 2008


"It’s perfectly portioned, it can’t be purchased, it’s unexpected; it’s Jesus. Such experiences as these are daily bites of the Lord’s supper that I intend to savor" (from my previous blog)

This last week I received two "Lord's Supper" experiences (two in one week?! Jackpot!). The first one occured while I was in my bathroom. I was opening the window to clear out the steam that the shower had created when I heard the tweedling and chirping of young birdies. As I stuck my head out the window I discovered that a mama birdy had made a little nest on the back of our cable satelite dish (I knew that thing had to be good for something). The nest held four little chicklings who looked up at me with scared little faces. Then they opened their little beaks up wide, hoping that I would give them some food. Over the past couple of days I have been observing the little baby birds every time I went into the bathroom. Sometimes they are being fed by their mama bird, sometimes they are sleeping, sometimes they are shivering in the rain and often they are desparately and demandingly chirping at their mommy, who is never far away- which reminds me of my own little needy chicklings. They are precious, they are adorable, and they can suck the life out of a mama.
This week also marked the end of the school year and the begining of summer. Both Rocket and Roxanne had many end of the year activities and Rocket "graduated" from kindergarten. The ceremonies reminded me of how incredibly thankful I am for the teachers in my childrens' lives, who allow me to shove my own little baby birdies out of my nest and into the hands of someone incredibly gifted (this realization is the second experience of the week). They add diversity, enrichment, and confidence to my kids' lives and I am filled with gratitude every time I see them with my kids. I just can't believe that they are willing to do what they do (because I wouldn't be). I could never afford to express the amount of appreciation I have for them and so, instead, I just pray that God will grant them with something close to as many blessings as he had granted me. May they find some baby birds nestling outside their window; or may they stumble upon someone who can ease any burdens that may be in their life; or may they discover that they have accumulated enough coke points to buy a really cool magazine subscription; or better yet, may they win an extreme home makeover, or the lottery. I hope that they will unexpectly find something that they will savor as much as I have been able to savor the blessing that they are to me.

Rocket and his teacher Mrs. Stephens
Roxanne and her teacher, Miss. Sarah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats for finishing school, Rocket & Roxanne!
Wahoo! Now you are free to entertain your mom for the summer. *G*

Ian & Cole finished up yesterday. Whew! I'm glad...now they get to sit around all day in their underwear, while I go to work!