We've done a lot of the same things over and over again this summer. One of those is making castles and villages out of play dough. Each time we use play dough, the creation is a little bit more extravagant. This is our latest creation and I think they spent most of yesterday working on it. Oh, except for the time they were working on another creation, that I can't tell you about right now because it's a surprise for someone who is having a birthday this weekend (but it's pretty cool!). And except for the time that they spent watching the SAME ICarly episode that we seem to have already watched 10 times this summer- the one where some guy named Mr. Galeeny dies and they're sad because he made really good pies...
Anyways, there are some details I am noticing in this picture that I didn't even notice in person- like the one eyed monster with one tooth between the two first buildings.

Anyways, there are some details I am noticing in this picture that I didn't even notice in person- like the one eyed monster with one tooth between the two first buildings.
Here is a look back at some of our other play dough creations...

I don't ever worry too much about mixing colors. When a color gets too mixed up and looks ugly, we add it to the ugly play dough bag. We use the ugly play dough for parts that don't show too much- like the mound in the middle.
Some people have asked for my play dough recipe, but it's nothing special. I just look it up online and do the regular salt and water boiling thing. The only special thing is I color it with icing coloring gel. I have a bunch of that from making cakes.
If you want to come over and make something with us, we'd like it a lot!!
ALSO: Thanks to Jodi for the caps- we love them a hundred capfuls! Thanks to Lindsey for the freaky clown heads- we love freaky things that are clowns! Thanks to lots of cousins and aunts for help on the second to the bottom one. Becca who claimed to not be a crafty person suddenly became extremely crafty when the play dough came out!
steve said "that's pretty amazing". that means "that's the most amazing thing i've ever seen" for him=) ...and i agree=) it's pretty dang cool. CAPS!!!!! hehehe=)
We had so much fun at your house. And I'm so much more relaxed doing crafts in someone else's house where I don't worry about my things getting ruined. I need to work on that. Thanks again for the fun.
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