I used a dark brown grout- grouting was fun! After the grout dried, I applied 2 coats of polyurethane (did you remember that's one of my favorite things? If so, you are a loyal blog reader).
But it's not REALLY done. Because I've passed out 20 toilet seats to 20 different female artists in the church. Each one has been artistically transformed in different styles and mediums, and will soon be hung at equal heights around the room (there are 20 hooks equally spaced around the top rim of the room for toilet seat hanging). An art opening for the seats will be held on the first Friday in March, since the church is perfectly located along the Denver art district. So stay tuned for that.
The gigantic wall:

The toilet in the handicap stall (I also mosaiced the lid of the upper tanks).

Apparently one of the stalls is already out of order due to a toilet leak. I don't think I had anything to do with that.

This is the mirror portion. I actually experimented with mosaicing a 3D surface by sculpting a 3 dimensional frame around the mirror that flows seamlessly into the wall. I was nervous about this because if it failed I would feel pretty stupid trying to explain what I was trying to do. I'm still nervous that one day the mirror will break. Because replacing it would be a difficult task.

This is me taking a picture of myself and the mirror. The other person is in the bathroom for legitimate purposes.

Same picture really... just another angle.

This is a close up of the sculpting around the mirror.

looks like it was worth ALL the craziness.
BIG WOW! I can see why it was such a crazy, huge job, but I can also see something totally awesome! I think it looks absolutely fantastic! You survived it and can be proud (& relieved) that it's done.
(By the way, if I had know you were using CHuck E Cheese tokens I could have sent you a ton of them...2 of my nephews work at CEC! hahaha)
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