About Me

- Naomi Haverland
- This is my blog AND my website now. Click on the " my paintings" tab to view my paintings. Scroll down to read my blog.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It appears to be so... but, dare I say, that spring has arrived? This time of year sends me into an emotional roller coaster, as I continually get my hopes up by decievingly warm tempuratures only to be crushed again when fridgid wet snow returns from the sky, squashing my spirits. But I remain hopeful that, just like every year gone by, summer will eventually arrive.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Matt does and says the weirdest things in the middle of the night- things he denies doing in the morning... and most of which I can't mention here. But one time, I woke up to him screaming at the top of his lungs for help. Panicked, I grabbed his shoulder to see what was wrong, and he flipped over and screamed in my face. Then he said, "oh sorry" and went back to sleep. Of course I couldn't.
Last night before going to bed, we watched a 48 Hours Mystery (our most favorite show) about the Craig's List Killer- this guy who was contacting people from Craig's List and trying to kill them.
Then, after we both had fallen asleep, Matt woke me up saying, "Now I am going to murder you!" in a friendly voice.
I was like, "what?!",
and he said, "Now I am going to murder you! I am the facebook murderer."
And again I was like, "what the heck are you talking about?!".
Then he kind of laughed and said "hehe, get it? Like the craig's list killer, but I'm the Facebook murderer". And then he went back to sleep and wouldn't respond to me when I started telling him that he was the strangest person in the world.
I called him at work today and talked to him about it. He says he doesn't remember that conversation at all... but still, I'm a little worried. Maybe just to be safe, I should delete him as my friend on Facebook.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
(Oh, I'm just kidding myself, I know you guys in Florida don't read my blog!)
It's been snowing here for about 2 days straight. There was about 16" on the ground when we got up this morning, when I shoveled, and now the driveway is completely covered again. We made it out to the grocery store, but now were stuck back inside for the rest of the day. Roxanne, on the other hand, must think it's already summer... and boy, I wish it was!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
1. White eggs are just boring. And deviled eggs are just delicious.
2. The sight of new life emerging from the ground reminds me that we are indeed also emerging from the clutches of winter that inhibited us from freely prancing out the back door without a cumbersome jacket and boots. The fact that it happens every year doesn’t keep me from feeling like we might be doomed to stay inside forever.
3. People always tend to remind me on this day that “He is risen indeed”, which reminds me that Jesus really did live and die and really did rise from the dead proving to the world that he is the most awesome, most famous, most original person to ever walk to the face of the earth, and I am freakin lucky to be on the inside track with him!!! No, seriously, I mean it!
Inspirational drawing by Roxanne
4. My kids always look pretty sharp on this day and I love taking pictures of them! A lady at church this morning told Rocket that he was the handsomest boy she’s ever seen (I agree) and that he ought to give his daddy some advice. I said “true dat!”

5. Easter falls on a Sunday, which is perfect because I love my Sunday nap (which is the next item on my agenda).
Rocket will turn seven years old tomorrow, but we celebrated on Friday. Just so you can remember that he did used to be a little baby, here is a picture of him at around 3 months old:
When I took this picture, we were in living Iowa and he had just begun to start smiling, and everytime he would smile like this, I would just burst out laughing. We had just moved there and didn't have any friends or a TV (or Facebook or Myspace), and I think Matt and I used to just sit around and look at Rocket all day. He was the best entertainment in Iowa (which isn't saying much),but we were so in love with eachother and with him. We happened to live in a teeny tiny house in the middle of a field full of baseball diamonds- but he was to young to have a clue. As for me, I was just worried that a baseball was going to come crashing through our window and kill my most precious little baby.
Fast forward seven years, and now baseball is everything (except for when there is a skateboarding contest). For Rocket's birthday, Matt bought him a nice catching glove, and Roxanne gave him two baseballs. He starts on a team in a couple of months. Matt and Rocket went to the park yesterday to work on his catching and throwing skills, which is serious business.
Headed back home:
At this very moment, Rocket and Matt are sitting through the rain at Coors for their first Rockies game of the year. They anticipate on going to many more... and may have already bought more tickets I don't even know about. If watching enough games, staring at enough balls, and dreaming of being a star makes a good baseball player, Rocket is going to be fabulous.